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Two-Up TTs

Last year we ran a couple of 2-Up Team Time Trial events linked to the Triangle TT series, and they were well received, so we've decided to run them again.

This year they will take place on the Walshford course (A168), starting from Rabbit Hill Business Park.

These are great ways to give time trialling a go in a relaxed environment, on a non-technical course, with club mate. Pairs of riders will be set off together and ride as hard or easy as they wish to cover the distance and record a time.

We will be running these over a 10mile course (unless most people taking part wish to do a 15mile variant). We are restricting it to road bikes (or mtb if you really want, but no TT bikes), and you'll need a helmet and lights. The first pairs will be off at 7:15pm.

The events are already on the rides app. If you have a partner in mind, then get in touch with the organiser (liammealey@hotmail.com) with your pairing. If you don't have a partner, we will try to find you someone of similar pace. We will also try to accomodate solo riders should you wish.

If you have any questions, please contact either the club or Liam at the above email address and we'll try to help.

It would be good to see some new faces on the start line.