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Triangle TT remaining dates and some new events

With the closure of Harewood Bridge, the Triangle Time Trial series will move to different courses for July. The calendar and courses for future events is below. This includes the Hilly and 10mile championship events.

Building on their popularity last year, the two Pennypot courses will be run as 2-Up road bike events, in which pairs of riders work together to cover the course as quickly as possible. As a shorter (~7mile, 11km) and collaborative event, they’re great for those new to the sport. If anyone isn’t able to find a partner, get in touch with event organiser Liam Mealey (Liammealey@hotmail.co) and he’ll pair you up. Alternatively, if you do want to race solo, we can accommodate that.

You’ll need a road legal bike, front and rear lights, and a helmet, but other than that anything goes.

In addition, we need volunteers to make these events happen. If you can spare about an hour on a Thursday evening, it would really help. Either fill in the linked spreadsheet, or contact Liam Mealey https://1drv.ms/x/s!Au9o3mJqIFX4iB73kgPYpdJx50CF?e=InD3h5

We hope to see some new faces there.

Triangle: Triangle route on Strava
Hilly: Hilly route on Strava
Walshford: Walshford route on Strava
Pennypot: Pennypot route on Strava

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