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Triangle 15 - 10 Champs

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A cool breezy evening over at Walshford saw 19 riders (18 OCC and one guest) take on the 10mile TT championship event. This included several novices and Triangle first timers, including from the race team.

Fastest on the night was Matt Asquith, in a time of 22:21, but he was pushed close by Jon Hobbs only 2s behind. Matt takes the Keith Webb Trophy for fastest 10 mile.

The women's competition, and winning the Joyce Webb 10 mile award, was Helen Goldthorpe in a time of 25:23, 42s ahead of second placed Emily Middlebrooke.

Emily's brother Daniel took both the under 16 awards (absolute time, handicap time), recording an impressive 24:04.

And demonstrating that level of beginners improvement most of us could only dream of, David Howe took the handicap competition in his second solo time trial.

Congratulations to all winners

The points competition remains tight at the top, with Sam Ward leading John Raftery by 4 points.

Next week is the final evening event, again over at Walshford with a 7pm start. If anyone is intending to head out, a reminder that Leeds Festival is closing some roads, so check if it impacts your journey.

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