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Hill TT Champs

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A windy night saw the final lap of the Hilly course for this season, and with it the Hilly championship. The arrival of a set of temporary traffic lights in Farnley meant a slightly shortened course faced the 9 OCC members and 1 guest.

Fastest on the night, and taking the Hilly competition was Sam Ward in 33:12. Fastest woman was Helen Goldthorpe in 42:54.

Continuing his trend of impressive improvements, John Raftery took the handicap competition.

In the overall points, the gap between first and second narrowed slightly, with only four points now separating Sam and John.

The points competition takes a pause for a couple of weeks, as we run a set of short 2-Up events on part of the Pennypot circuit. Look out for a post on this shortly.

Congratulations to all our winners and riders, and thank you to the volunteers.

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